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Restaurant-Bar guachaca ambientado como centro de urgencia, atendido por enfermeros y doctores.

Aquí encontrarán contundentes platos chilenos con su toque ariqueño, buenos tragos y shows en vivo (cueca, valses, boleros, etc).

PD: Para ingresar, en la puerta le preguntarán ¿Isapre o Fonasa?. Contraseña: "VENGO POR UNA URGENCIA". 

"LA POSTA" is a restaurant steeped in the idiosyncrasies of the Ariqueños. Decorated as a local emergency room, you'll find largest dishes of Chilean and regional cuisine, a wide variety of cocktails, and live music. In true speak easy style, don't forget to ring the bell to get in. The doorman will ask you, "Isapre or Fonasa?" (the two major types of health insurance in Chile). You must respond with the password "VENGO POR UNA URGENCIA" (I have an emergency!).

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